
BestSoundStudio.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.

If BestSoundStudio.com links to an Amazon product (with a special code for affiliates embedded in the link) and you buy this item or any other product, BestSoundStudio.com will get a small percentage of the sale.

The product will cost the same either way if you make a purchase through an affiliate or non-affiliate link.

What are affiliate links?
Purchases are made on external affiliate company websites:  When a reader clicks on an affiliate link located on BestSoundStudio.com to purchase an item, the reader buys the item from the seller directly.  Amazon and/or other companies pay BestSoundStudio.com a small commission or other compensation for promoting their website or products through their affiliate program.

Photo Disclaimer
Some of the photos have been used on our site from royalty-free stock image sources like Pixabay. So, All credit goes to them. If anyone finds his/her copyright protected images on our site, please contact us. We will remove the pics as soon as possible.

For product images, we get images through Amazon Product Advertising API and for some others we have requested permissions from manufacturers for using their product images.

Disclosure as Required by the FTC
We have made a commitment to do our best to comply with the new FTC guidelines and regulations concerning Product reviews and customer testimonials. Therefore, we feel it necessary to make the following statement.

  • The intent and purpose of this site are to provide consumers with information and additional resources to help them make informed buying decisions.
  • Please be advised that this site may generate a commission from third party retailers with the sale of products and/or services.